Friday, December 11, 2015

Bridging the gap of reality:

Bridging the gap of reality:

The Homiletic study and teachings of the Midrash, Talmud and New Testament gospel (aggadah) are so vital to the Christian belief structure that to explain these stories is to seemingly speak from a higher plane of reality.

Even if you don’t understand the historical and spiritual significance, you still get truth by design even if you’re clueless to the deeper meaning of the scriptures narrative.

What is meant to be literal and what is meant to point to something spiritual is not always clear and how it could apply to everyone individually and for a people (Nation).

Putting aside our differences of opinion with beliefs about the afterlife, the nature of the divine, and religious rituals we can all gain life lessons from ancient scriptures, Histories and philosophy.

The higher plans of reality are the focal point for most all paranormal and supernatural philosophies. Most of the terminology and definitions come down to us from ancient knowledge however through open and liberated thought we now have abstract terminology and the freedom to explore and share the possibilities openly and unrestricted allowing for the diversity we see in modernity.

It does not matter if you’re a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Wiccan a priest, witch or something in between there is valuable life lessons to be learned from the world’s religions.

Most all religions have a common theme, the differences between the world of parapsychology and organized religion is who wields the rights to “legally” harness the outlined abilities (Priest vs. witch etc.) inherent in all mankind.

Forging a yoke upon those of us who are kept in the dark or are not capable of understanding the deeper meaning to an obviously spiritual existence seems to be the ambition of the gods (mythology) and governments alike throughout history.

It is my express opinion that the understanding of the higher plains of reality has been deliberately obfuscated to the mental enslavement of mankind for the sole purpose of confinement and containment of ideals less savory to the elite and there regional and/or global agendas, but that’s me!

History explains all too well that the ancients and sages had a good grip on the spiritual aspect of a physical existence; they easily separated this reality from the next (afterlife) to the benefit of both laws and structured existence in the physical world and what was to be expected for the journey and residence of the heavenly realm.

There are many different ways to be spiritual; people and common ground are what bring everything together. We all share a common history and in most ways a common culture.

Life is about the people you’re with, a sense of community with those around you; nothing else matters nearly as much. 

Spirituality reminds us that we are not alone in our thinking and experiences.

"It is not if one believes, it is how one believes that guides the footsteps of life". As we open our minds to what seems to be a new paradigm of the paranormal and supernatural possibilities we must remember that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) and if one studies the origins of the supernatural and seeks to understand the paranormal all he/she has to do is pay attention to the documented history of mankind and replace what was deliberately removed or yet to be re- discovered from the texts passed down to us from our ancestors. 

By Mark T. Varricchio

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