What are Psychic Abilities?
There is no short answer to this question nor is there ample
explanation that can provide any one individual or group interested in the
subject of psychic ability surety in vetted understanding, Psychic ability’s
come in all shapes and sizes and the degree of ability seems to vary on an
individual basis however there are common terms used to better articulate the
many colors of psychic endowments bestowed upon some and possibly all human
The following list of psychic abilities can be summarized by
definition. Some Individuals claim to have one of these abilities, while other Individuals
claim that they possess several.
Astral projection:
Let us break down the terminology of this label, Astral: “connected with, or resembling the stars”, Projection: “an estimate or forecast of
a future situation or trend based on a study of present ones”, as we can see by
definition this set of words combined does not fit the experience but in part
or particular, to generalize the subject matter to a better end use, we can
summarize the intention more fully as “out
of body experience” or (O.B.E) thus placing a category of experiences
under one heading.
Aura Reading: Aura:
“the atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person,
thing, or place”, Reading: “the
action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud” in the
case of psychic ability, The Definition changes with the combination of the two
words in context; “to read that which is not written or apparent; in this case
the Aura.
Automatic writing: Automatic:
“working by itself with little or no direct human control”. Writing: “marking coherent words on
paper and composing text”. This ability as it pertains to a psychic ability is
utilized to pass information from the spirit realms to the physical world. As
we can see the words here can be defined as not without effort but by outside
influences such as a spirit. (Spirit Writing).
Channeling: “To direct
toward a particular end or object” This definition works somewhat with this
label, the Channeler/Individual entering a meditative or trance-like state in
order to receive messages from the spirit realm. In this instance the psychic
serves as vessel for communication to take place between the spirit realm and
the physical world.
Clairvoyance: “the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events
in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. “, Remote Viewing: “the
practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using
subjective means”, Both Clairvoyance and Remote Viewing can be placed within
this terminology, Here the psychic can
see visions of events, places and people Past, present or future.
There is no definition for this word in the English; however we understand it
to mean “Clear Hearing” here the psychic can perceive sound from outside
sources from the spirit realm or physical world That are not audible to the
normal ear that sometimes includes sounds from distant places in the present,
past and/or future.
Again there is no English definition for the word, we understand Clairsentience
to mean “Clear Feeling”, here the psychic experiences awareness of people,
places and objects, facts outside his/her immediate physical space.
Telepathy: “communication
of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses” Here the psychic
experiences the thoughts and feelings of others and in some cases communicate
in this capacity, this is not limited to humans but there are recorded cases of
animal telepathy as well in addition to human animal telepathic interaction.
Divination: “the
practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural
means” more common activities practiced by most commercial psychics such as
fortune telling palm reading, and prophesying. Divination is more commonly the
ability to foretell the future.
Dowsing:” a
technique for searching for underground water, minerals, or anything invisible,
by observing the motion of a pointer traditionally a forked stick, now often
paired bent wires or the changes in direction of a pendulum, supposedly in
response to unseen influences. “, This age-old art is a technique that was used
for many millennia to locate natural objects and is still in use today for
multiple purposes such as water wells and place location however not limited to
inanimate objects or liquid, this practice has long been utilized by gifted
psychics to locate missing persons Etc.
Intuition: “the
ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious
reasoning” although this is a fact of the known human senses, we list it here
do to the fact that there are extraordinary intuitive ability’s that far
surpass the norm with some human-beings, such as the innate ability to feel or
perceive outside the so called normal human ability’s.
Precognition: “foreknowledge
of an event “, here the psychic can foretell the events leading up to a future moment
in time or that led up to past events. This form of seeing involves specific
information about an event, not a visual viewing of the future, some opinions
differ here multiple forms of ability can take place at the same time.
Psychometry: also
known as token-object reading, “the ability to discover facts about an
event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them”, here the
psychic can feel/perceive vibrations or impressions from an object.
psychokinesis: “the ability to manipulate objects by
mental effort alone”, There are many types listed for this ability under
specific labels for the subject of psychic abilities, an in depth study will
better help you to understand the abilities associated with this gift Such as Telekinesis.
Further study by any individual will uncover multitudes of
terms used to describe abilities perceived by academia as paranormal and/or
supernatural, here we have covered some of the more common terms used within
the field of parapsychology and the psychic community to define ability’s and
uses, I would encourage those with an interest in the subject to research the
terms and definitions above to begin a study into the fascinating world of the
To move the phenomena of psychic abilities from the abstract
and obscure to the attention of academia, the community must find common ground
for the definitions and controlled, repeatable ability utilized by the psychic
practitioner. There is little doubt in the minds of many that this subject
warrants scientific peer review however the tendency for tricksters and hoaxers
to fashion similar results utilizing common magic and sleight of hand/eye will
continue to hinder serious studies into this field until there are conclusive, repeatable and controlled psychic demonstrations.
Are Psychic Abilities Real?
At the moment this is a debate,
for those who experience the ability it is as real as the nose on ones face,
for those agnostics who have never experienced the paranormal in this setting
it is as faked as a Penn and teller card disappearing right before your eyes.
William Shakespeare said it best” there is more to heaven
and earth if philosophy could find it out”
By Mark Varricchio
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