Friday, July 28, 2017

The Biblical 1st Earth Age

In The Beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:2 and the Earth was (Became) = Strong's #1961 hayah (haw-yaw) a (primitive root) Compare 1933] = to exist - to be, to become or to come to pass., without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the waters.

The Earth was not created without form and void, It became void and without form and in my understanding  this came to pass in what is called the Biblical first earth age, this was the time before the creation of Adam and the creation story we have in the book of Genesis (The second Biblical Earth age).

Void means Completely empty, The Father did not Create the world Void, Isaiah 45:18, For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, He created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: God created the World complete; Not Void, to be Inhabited by his children as it was in the first biblical earth age.

(Big G = God The Father; did destroy completely the 1st earth age in this (time of old) do to Lucifer's rebellion when a third of God's angelic sons (ben-elohim) began to follow Lucifer and trespass against God's Dominion. but are not yet cast into hell and are present at the second creation of God which was Adam in the beginning of the second earth age, Isaiah 14:12-14 how art thou fallen from heaven, O lucifer son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! #13 for thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: #14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

There are many hints to this time before Adam throughout our Bible, however none are so apparent as the book of Job, I believe that the book of job belongs to this first biblical earth age,

#1. Lucifer (Satan) is able to traverse between the heaven and the earth at will Job 1:6, now there was a day when the sons of god (ben-elohim) came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. Lucifer (Satan) was cast out of heaven at the close of the first biblical earth age, Revelation 12:7-9, And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels #8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. #9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

#2. God states that Job was created alongside the behemoth Job 40:15, Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; He eateth grass as an ox. I believe this behemoth to be an extinct Dinosaur, Job 40:17, He moveth his tail like a cedar:.

The first biblical earth age was destroyed by the first flood, not the flood of Noah in the second biblical earth age and not a rock from space, The flood that erased all things on the earth when the heavens and earth became of old, Second Peter 3:5-7, #5 For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water #6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished: #7 But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

In the day the Lord Made the earth empty (void) ; this was at the end of the first biblical earth age, he utterly destroyed all things from the face of an existent earth: Jeremiah 4:23-26, I beheld the Earth, and lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. #24 I beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. #25 I beheld, and lo,there was no Man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. #26 I beheld, and lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger.

In the verses above there is a total emptiness; the world was void of man as well at this time There was no man (Noah) to build an Arc no birds to send forth no trees for The dove to find an olive leaf, Genesis 8:11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and lo in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth, completely Void of creation of any kind, The verses above are speaking of the time of old and when the Lord made the world to become utterly Void.

by Mark varricchio, verses from the KJV Canonized Bible.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"The Truth is in what we draw strength from individually, there is no right or wrong only standards of both that forever change to meet a majority" Mark Varricchio.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

We don't have to redefine who and what we are to meet the ever changing world!

Modern Life, The hustle and bustle too maintain and posses ever more presence,fortune and material possessions, Goals such as above diminish the value of ones experience as a soul moving through this plain, However perspective draws these goals into life on a level that can enhance ones experience.

Years settle the restless heart and allow's one to enjoy  life's everyday little things such as an unexpected conversation or an unusually good cup of coffee, as we march to a beat uncertain on today's globe we miss out on what patience and virtue can offer us.

Over the years I've learned to slow down pay attention and savor the little things that in my youth were seemingly a wast of my time and aggravating to my restless soul.

Like Friendships and Love relationships they are so important to the health and well being of an individual, Taking the time to experience a soft touch and Kind words from those who genuinely care about you is vital to good health,

Taking time for self is also imperative to well-being and self-security,

I often find myself awake in the early Am, I take time to make myself a pot of coffee just the way I like it, hit the shower then I'm out in the back yard having a cup of coffee with the wild rabbits and there babies, I sit down in the wet grass and ponder life, My life, I breath in the crisp morning air and give thanks for another day, I scroll through my history and reset my thinking to accommodate a peaceful and productive Day ahead.

Sometimes I sleep in, In the past I've been so angry with myself for wasting half the day sleeping, but Now I wake and understand this is what the body needed, I say to myself This is my time weather I wake at 4:Am or 11:Am nothing is a wast of my time.

I experience everything a-new every day I wake and never forget to give thanks for a brand new day to enjoy! anger and discontent don't factor in any longer with my existence, hatred and contempt do not exist in my world, Ego and pride are a dim speck on my daily journey towards the perfection of the spirit, I am at peace!

When I come into contact with others, I strive to understand there perspective, I become blessing not advice. I don't judge or formulate opinions, I give!, I always Give of the peace in my life, I strive to understand in this light; that I may vary well be the answer to a prayer in the moment, so I attempt to become the blessings that were asked for, I approach everyday with the intention to make the gift of life redeemable not only to myself but to all I come into contact with,

Its not as hard as you may think, Yes! I run into many people with negative outlooks, angry demeanor and selfish intentions, but never does there position impact who and what I am and/or how I address the world around me.

I embrace Life first the rest is concomitant, I place experience and awareness above monetary gain, material passions  and position, I truly  love my fellow man, Mother earth and Nature, I embrace the Gift of life in all its forms and splendor, I take every moment Given to me and absorb its beauty no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem, To me It was always meant to be.

We don't have to redefine who and what we are to meet the ever changing world!

Peace be with you all! Mark

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Vabrational Intention a choice.

The living does so from a source of Intention, We as Individuals divide to create the whole separately, some create lower realities some higher, this somewhat and when dictates where we remove to after this experience and what happens to us in this experience, we are incredibly strong as individuals but that strength is designed to support lower frequency's as well to move ever higher, those who abuse this power to oppress others that operate  at lower reality's cause reality's  to collapse in on one another and/or to forcefully cross- purpose, this distortion causes stresses that hold the individual in a perpetual  state of static manifestations of negative energy's, causing seemingly bad experiences, nature manifests conciseness at lower frequencies to maintain restraint (time) so those individuals who operate on ever extremely high plains are checked and balanced within the ability to create across dimensional borders prematurely.

Material manifestation requires guidance not limitations, restraint and a letting go, however such powers of collective experiences must be ordered in such a way that the individual does not become grotesque or disfigured within the plain of existence being expressed/experienced by a collective and/or Individual movement of consciousness.

For example: We have express genes,D-N-A that dictate what becomes what part of the human body and R-N-A subscription that dictate the process and so on and so forth, this is similar to higher and lower frequencies or plains of existence, the multi states of manifest destiny if you will are but held together by not the end result but by the process of use expressed as (multiples of one).

Simplicity not complexity operates and governs growth, every experience is necessity, this is cause and affect (sub-synchronicity), this is in addition what connects one individual to another or a group to one another.

This knowledge is not esoteric in nature but accessible to all who seek purpose or betterment there are stages to be mastered that act as stepping stones to higher ability's and understanding. Focus is key, what one needs,wants and produces how one receives and what one gives matters and will produce experience within self and across those you share time with and those you do not, there is such imbalance that drives stress causing force, (negative energy's) intention is to embrace those energy's or migrate to a higher purpose overcoming the negative energy force that has caped  growth and limited  life experience.

It would indeed be less intense to place each circumstance within metaphor, however traditional philosophy's and thinking are just a manifestation of where one is on his/her journey through the endless dimensions of what we call Life.

by Mark Varricchio

Friday, October 28, 2016

How To Write an Article or Research Paper

Writing Articles, Research Papers and Short Stories is less complex than you might think.

Some Industries may require you to follow specific rules (some explicit some Implied), knowing the basics will Increase your chances of getting your work reviewed and/or published, however I  find it daunting and redundant to adhere to specific guidelines when writing,

Creative license with your work in my (opinion) brings out skill and creativity that is otherwise placed in check by the status-quo.

Research Paper:

Addresses a Specific Question, The objective is to organize your research into a hypothesis, That is based on limited evidence warranting further investigation. in this process; explicit rules do require you to detail specifics in a standard format. Research pertaining to your target Question belong, any creative license does not (opinions) personal insight etc.

In General when creating a research paper one wants to explore all related questions arising from the research, however; stick specifically to your target question if possible, Secondary Questions are permitted in some instances, "Save secondary questions for other research papers".

Identifying your Target Question: Does your Target Question Capitalise on, Extend or Refute existing knowledge; to what end is it of interest to your target audience (reader).

For Example: your target question can incorporate, Specificity, Originality and/or Novelty oriented information, Your target Question is precise; however should apply to the broad gamut of specific inquiry but not limited specifically to Identity. possible associations are a way of gaining creative licence within a explicit body of work.

In a more posteriori setting such as an argument/point of view or congruous project where nothing has been added to or refuted (expression/exploration) with this the subject matter in play; you have a bit more creative license and the general rules of the research paper is implied  but not specific to the work. Here defining  your target question, then designing your paper  around your target is an acceptable practice.

Once your Target Question is clearly defined, you can now begin to allow/explore your target question's ability to ask a subsequent question(s) and deliver the implied/ answers too flow, Constructing your research around your Target Question can easily develop itself into a well researched; Research Paper - Article - Story etc. (work).

Accepted structure:
Following the rules for writing a Research Paper although redundant can help structure your thoughts and intentions in addition to adding process to your writing repertoire, The basic structure objectives for a Research Paper are outlined as follows: #1.Introduction, To address the Target Question,- #2. Method, What was done to address the target Question, #3. Result, what was observed, #4. Discussion, what does it all mean?

Each objective addresses multiple topics within the work that are subcategorized, beginning with your introduction; the writer (you) needs to in summarize the reasoning and background to the study, what is The Target Question and why it is Important to address The Question? In summery your introduction leading up to the Target Question requires "spelling it out" Never leave the reader guessing what the abjective is/are!  keep in mind here (Introduction) it is not necessary to provide a full account/prelude of your Research Paper however your skill as a writer must be engaging enough to draw the reader into the body of your work. (here is where a writer is defined, In my opinion). Subcategories of Objectives:

     1.  What is the Subject you are addressing important?
     2. What are the objectives of your research and Target Question?
     3. What are you addressing about the current knowledge base?
     1.Describe the context and setting of your research.
     2.Describe your study design.
     3.Define your sample strategy.
     4.Describe your Intentions (If Applicable).
     5.Identify study variables.
     6.Describe data Collection.
     7.Outline research parameters
     1.Elaborate on Data Collected and Requirements.
     2.Define participants.
     3.Define main research (Sources Material)
     4.Present secondary findings (Outcomes - Subgroups - Analyses)
     1.State Primary findings (Research)
     2.Define your primary findings with reference to previous findings.
     3.State findings (Implications - Policy - Practices)
     4.Discuss Strengths and Limitations ( Past findings - New findings)
     5.Summery research in perspective & future applications (Work)

Keep the target audience (reader) and type of work in perspective, Reference key assertions  methods and  Instrumentation.

When comprehensive reviews of a given topic are discussed there is no need to be exhaustive in your presentation, omitting unpublished materials or technical reports involving complete research that the target (reader) will have difficulty finding will bode in your favor.

Understanding the structure and context of a work, your target audience (the reader), purpose and desired outcome will enhance your chances of having your work reviewed and/or published,

For those of you who are intimidated by the process;keep in mind that your target Question (Subject) will provide you plenty of research-avenues and well establish questions and answers within itself, Allow the process to work for you!,

Developing a solid journalistic character within your natural aptitude and the process of good writing is concomitant to ones desire to do the work.

As a Writer -Researcher;  I find it Interesting and engaging, the gamut of possibilities both explicit and implied within the art of exploration both entailing ones-self and the world of expression (writing) above is a short overview of process; by no means exhaustive; that I utilise when I get started on a writing project, the above outline can be applied to any given body of work entailing research for your Paper - Story - Article Etc., Remember to let the process work in your favor engage your audience and by all means have fun building your writing personality.

Sincerely Mark T Varricchio

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Self Inflicted Wounds

"Never let this world see you drop your hands no matter how much your hurting always keep your guard up, never show a wound or that your getting tired, press forward as if you always knew you were the winner". Mark Varricchio.

Take a good look around you, every road is broken and every journey a struggle - feeble and week simple and defeated from the womb - yet we press on with the blind intent to build what we will never live to enjoy

The world is dark, cold and built calculating - un-natural and in-hospitable to everything we are and everything we have become , yes we are,,, so detached from what we need that we have became the enemy of self,- In our knowing, arrogance and complacency our love for blind captivity  has denied man his birthright and rightful place among the stars.

Do you see what we are? take a good look at the world around you, look at what we have and continue to do to ourselves and the only home we will ever know (Earth) can you fathom the darkness that has taken hold of humanity from the vary beginning,

I can quote from the good-book here - bare with me a moment wont you! from Genesis 6:3, "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man - For that he also is flesh", wait for it! Genesis 6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" Genesis 6:7 " And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth", a bit further on God continues to say," For it repenteth me that I have made them".

Skip ahead a bit and we see this, Matthew 24:37 " As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be"

It seems man is not capable of handling the affects of eating from the tree of knowledge spoken of in earlier Genesis, weather the passages are literal or spiritual makes no difference, the fact that knowledge of specific types are beyond mans ability to properly manage.

The Preacher:  knew it and had the good sense to document his revelation, Ecclesiastes 1: Read It!! and understand. Matthew 16:26 " For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul" are we getting the picture yet?

Humanity is asking the wrong questions, What came first the chicken or the egg! is irrelevant,

"What is the egg to the chicken"? is the right question!,

There is so much more to add here but time has drawn my morning to a close, on-word wayward son be off!


Friday, February 26, 2016

Becoming Aware

Becoming aware that you have a psychic ability for the first time can be quite a frightening experience, we are pre-programmed to attack such things with reckless vigor and to label people who claim to possess such ability’s as fools, liars or worse throughout history witches warlocks and/or demon possessed.

Although we need not be afraid of being put to death by the church/religion these days we however do have to deal with scrutiny from the general public that can lead to the loss of family, friends and indeed can and has destroyed many careers just by asking questions and/or taking an interest about such things, the subject of psychic abilities is right up there with the nut’s who experience a Ufo or an abduction by alien humanoids - so we have been programmed to believe.

Disclosure of such truths; if known - will never come from an organized entity like a Government for the simple facts stated above, However humans are endowed with a sound intellect if properly utilized, we have built in tools such as logic, intuition, curiosity and discernment to mention just a few, if we re-train out intellects’ to incorporate statistical data we can see the validity of such subjects as Parapsychology and Ufology and move those who investigate such matters into the light of peer review instead of listing them with the labels that at present are destructive to any individual and/or career claiming ability, Experience and/or interest. 

With Talk radio shows and the free internet, We are now experiencing a rush of first person witness never before experienced in the history of such subjects, speculation is now left in the minds of those who have not experienced and those who would debunk and/or deliberately obfuscate the use of such information, the numbers speak for themselves the scale is tipping in a direction showing there are more people with psychic abilities and that have Experienced a Ufo or abduction than there are skeptics.

If Mankind were to take off his/her blinders and clear his/her thinking not to mention be honest with himself he would see that such subjects as religion, are as supernatural and impractical as the labels he places on those who have or are interested in psychic abilities and Ufology, The Holy Bible is as supernatural as it gets there is no psychic definition known today that is not covered and/or practiced by the people written about in this history/book called the Bible as well every civilization known to the history of our species has similar or exact knowledge. 

In my opinion mankind is on the brink of Re-discovering what it is we are and on the brink of clearing or minds from our self-induced amnesia, mankind is much more than a labor force that produces for the queen like a beehive or ant colony, we are a self-aware spiritual eternal entity that has no beginning and no end, the sooner we understand this the sooner we start living a natural life and throw away this Un-natural existence in service to the material.