Friday, October 28, 2016

How To Write an Article or Research Paper

Writing Articles, Research Papers and Short Stories is less complex than you might think.

Some Industries may require you to follow specific rules (some explicit some Implied), knowing the basics will Increase your chances of getting your work reviewed and/or published, however I  find it daunting and redundant to adhere to specific guidelines when writing,

Creative license with your work in my (opinion) brings out skill and creativity that is otherwise placed in check by the status-quo.

Research Paper:

Addresses a Specific Question, The objective is to organize your research into a hypothesis, That is based on limited evidence warranting further investigation. in this process; explicit rules do require you to detail specifics in a standard format. Research pertaining to your target Question belong, any creative license does not (opinions) personal insight etc.

In General when creating a research paper one wants to explore all related questions arising from the research, however; stick specifically to your target question if possible, Secondary Questions are permitted in some instances, "Save secondary questions for other research papers".

Identifying your Target Question: Does your Target Question Capitalise on, Extend or Refute existing knowledge; to what end is it of interest to your target audience (reader).

For Example: your target question can incorporate, Specificity, Originality and/or Novelty oriented information, Your target Question is precise; however should apply to the broad gamut of specific inquiry but not limited specifically to Identity. possible associations are a way of gaining creative licence within a explicit body of work.

In a more posteriori setting such as an argument/point of view or congruous project where nothing has been added to or refuted (expression/exploration) with this the subject matter in play; you have a bit more creative license and the general rules of the research paper is implied  but not specific to the work. Here defining  your target question, then designing your paper  around your target is an acceptable practice.

Once your Target Question is clearly defined, you can now begin to allow/explore your target question's ability to ask a subsequent question(s) and deliver the implied/ answers too flow, Constructing your research around your Target Question can easily develop itself into a well researched; Research Paper - Article - Story etc. (work).

Accepted structure:
Following the rules for writing a Research Paper although redundant can help structure your thoughts and intentions in addition to adding process to your writing repertoire, The basic structure objectives for a Research Paper are outlined as follows: #1.Introduction, To address the Target Question,- #2. Method, What was done to address the target Question, #3. Result, what was observed, #4. Discussion, what does it all mean?

Each objective addresses multiple topics within the work that are subcategorized, beginning with your introduction; the writer (you) needs to in summarize the reasoning and background to the study, what is The Target Question and why it is Important to address The Question? In summery your introduction leading up to the Target Question requires "spelling it out" Never leave the reader guessing what the abjective is/are!  keep in mind here (Introduction) it is not necessary to provide a full account/prelude of your Research Paper however your skill as a writer must be engaging enough to draw the reader into the body of your work. (here is where a writer is defined, In my opinion). Subcategories of Objectives:

     1.  What is the Subject you are addressing important?
     2. What are the objectives of your research and Target Question?
     3. What are you addressing about the current knowledge base?
     1.Describe the context and setting of your research.
     2.Describe your study design.
     3.Define your sample strategy.
     4.Describe your Intentions (If Applicable).
     5.Identify study variables.
     6.Describe data Collection.
     7.Outline research parameters
     1.Elaborate on Data Collected and Requirements.
     2.Define participants.
     3.Define main research (Sources Material)
     4.Present secondary findings (Outcomes - Subgroups - Analyses)
     1.State Primary findings (Research)
     2.Define your primary findings with reference to previous findings.
     3.State findings (Implications - Policy - Practices)
     4.Discuss Strengths and Limitations ( Past findings - New findings)
     5.Summery research in perspective & future applications (Work)

Keep the target audience (reader) and type of work in perspective, Reference key assertions  methods and  Instrumentation.

When comprehensive reviews of a given topic are discussed there is no need to be exhaustive in your presentation, omitting unpublished materials or technical reports involving complete research that the target (reader) will have difficulty finding will bode in your favor.

Understanding the structure and context of a work, your target audience (the reader), purpose and desired outcome will enhance your chances of having your work reviewed and/or published,

For those of you who are intimidated by the process;keep in mind that your target Question (Subject) will provide you plenty of research-avenues and well establish questions and answers within itself, Allow the process to work for you!,

Developing a solid journalistic character within your natural aptitude and the process of good writing is concomitant to ones desire to do the work.

As a Writer -Researcher;  I find it Interesting and engaging, the gamut of possibilities both explicit and implied within the art of exploration both entailing ones-self and the world of expression (writing) above is a short overview of process; by no means exhaustive; that I utilise when I get started on a writing project, the above outline can be applied to any given body of work entailing research for your Paper - Story - Article Etc., Remember to let the process work in your favor engage your audience and by all means have fun building your writing personality.

Sincerely Mark T Varricchio