The Angelic Ones:
As the skies opened up into Night over the desert and the
last hue of purple descended below the horizon the heavens opened her curtains
as if in a grand theater to a panoramic view of the milky- way, it was a cool
Night in late October and as every night I was there to greet the heaven’s with
open anticipation to what would come in the twilight hours ahead.
You see; It was not long ago to me that a series of events
in my life convinced me that the UFO phenomenon is as real and as tangible as
the moon and stars above, Over a short period of time I had witnessed not only
multiple UFO sightings but as well around the same time of my first experiences
with these siting’s, what is known as shadow people, star beings and grays
began to make themselves known to me.
I will spare you the long and drawn out details of what I
felt at the time this all began and as it has progressed into what I know today
as an all-out invasion by multiple species of off world visitors.
Now; I cannot tell you if all the species I have encountered
are physical to this dimensional space, what I can say about some observations
is that on more than one occasion I have witnessed nonphysical events take
place with not only what I perceive to be extra-terrestrial space craft but
also the beings that inhabit them, leaving me with little understanding about
their origin or physical makeup.
At close inspection it would seem that some of them are from
some point in physical space, they have a body and move about much like you or
I would, there ships use locomotion although human kind cannot understand this type
of propulsion, however on the flip side of the coin I have on many occasions
witnessed seemingly non-physical beings that just appear and disappear into
thin air and in addition I have also witnessed beings that seem to be both
physical and non-physical in nature, wither they are all the same manifestation
of being appearing at different times with considerably different traits I do not know and cannot understand,
what I can say about them is that they are as real as the nose on your face and
have been visiting the earth for an untold number of years.
Light and Time are things some of the visitors have the
ability to control or at least from what I know, many of them can manipulate
light and bend time, not time as we humans understand it, time is not
mechanical as we have developed it to suite our understanding of cycles of
nature but the parts of time that manage the very fabric of some elements of
matter not yet understood by Human kind, In some circumstances it allows them
to project as physical across vast expanses of space, space not as we humans
perceive it but space as any dimensional realm Point to point, as light is to gravity the parts of matter
can be manipulated to achieve reactions as I understand it with my limited almost
childlike intellect in comparison.
This is how their ships and body’s appear to maneuver
outside physical limitations of our present abilities, and in some cases are
able to manipulate light as a blind or cloak if you will and as well move
through physical objects we understand to be a solid, they can as I have
witnessed utilize parts of light to transport a physical object from one point
in space to another point, from a foot away to hundreds of miles away and
possibly more.
The beings I have contact with most often operate in quite a
different way they move with more of a
flow of existence than a manipulation of elements and tell me they are here to
gather the genetic makeup of every pure indigenous species on the planet and as
they tell me it is for the sole purpose of replenishing the earth, In clear understanding they
communicate this message, the Planet you inhabit is going to suffer an extinction and every
living thing on the planet is going to perish and when the planet re-establishes
its ability to support life they will return with what they took and
re-establish life on earth, there are no details as to how, why or when such
events will take place only that this is a natural process to what we
understand as a cycle.
They have semi-physical body’s and they don’t use mechanical
ships as I understand it, everything and I do mean everything is available to
them, the things they have shown me are just beyond belief in any sense of the
term or imagination, if you have never seen the sight you would never know such
things could exist, there are no fantasies of the human intellect that could or
would ever express or compare.
I will Try and give you a rudimentary explanation and
example of what I mean that nothing is withheld from them, as I have seen and
understood with my limited intellect, life is a constant that has nether
beginning or end and the manifestation of a thing in existence has no
boundaries physical or mental, All things in self exist in levels of awareness. For example: A drop of water in itself is all things or nothing. To illustrate
this; I was brought into a drop of water and was aware; I was as is the drop of
water. The same is true of a spec of sand or a shimmer of light or a body. I tried to tell you it is un-explainable in
human terms, this is the best I have.
I have asked questions like will we remember or be aware of our
lives here after the events you say will happen; happens? Do we die? They answer: too establish awareness is to understand life
Will you document human history for the peoples that are
re-established on earth? Answer: history is an illusion from whence one is
born, can that which is born return to the mother’s womb!
Is human activity what’s going to cause this event? Answer: Your
species has suffered a natural expanse, your misuse of awareness will not
reflect upon events.
These visitors are fairly responsive to my inquiries and are
always respectful to my fear as well take great care with my safety. I have
never been taken only asked if I would like to see.
There are others that are not so respectful to human
well-being at all and care nothing about fear, they only respond with, "we mean you no
harm, calm, be calm and will you help calm the others", they don’t ask they just
take, they can make a painful experience or
if one is not aggressive or combative they make what they are doing
painless, either way they get what they come for, I don’t know what they use
the human tissues for or any of the samples they take but I can tell you this,
they know mankind our biology the planet and from what I can gather they have
been doing this for countless hundreds of years, these guys are using ships and
have a physical body and there is a sense of urgency to their demeanor and
As far as I can tell
there are several spices of these guys
that are from the same planet or body of planets and much like us developed
parallel technology’s allowing them to traverse space and conduct off world
experiments, however their agendas differ, again much like the human species,
war, suspicion , ambition and competition drives there purpose here, And as my
friends tell me, the beings I explained are; well for a lack of a better term
angelic, that these latter beings are not much different than humans other than
there awareness is much broader making them a possible threat just like us to
other developing species in the region less aware than themselves.
To continue, there are even more species that have discovered
earth some malevolent and some relatively harmless some with the technology’s to
reach us and some who can’t, There are living (aware) beings that exist in what
we know as space much like a fish in the great expanse of the oceans, I have
been shown worlds of magnificent structure and unspeakably terrifying beauty.
All beings are as beautiful and precious in their existence
as our own and many are every bit as much of a danger to outside life forms as
we humans in our lack of knowledge, wisdom and restraint.
Sitting on a Sandstone bolder in the early witching hour on a
cool October night my world changed in
an instant, I was from this point on not only a believer but a witness and in
the years to fallow I have been blessed to have been shown pure truth.
Low on the horizon moving slowly in my direction was a
shimmering light, as the light moved ever so slowly closer to my position, I
soon realized what I was looking at was no earthly air ship but a one hundred
percent bon-a-fied extra-terrestrial craft , Little did I know my life was
about to change forever- and little did I know I was about to meet the beings
that were piloting that craft and many more species in the near future that
would include my friends the ones I call the angelic ones.
By Mark Varricchio